Toenail fungus has manifestations like?

Not everyone knows how toenail fungus looks, can initially identify the disease and conduct treatment. Itching, redness, peeling, and cracking are all signs of this condition. However, there are other illnesses with similar symptoms, such as eczema or psoriasis. And even the toenails can change shape not due to a fungal infection, but due to psychological stress or some internal organ disease. So a final diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after receiving the test results. And the patient's task is to see the doctor promptly if warning signs appear.

nail damage with fungus in the legs

The main symptoms of mycoses

The characteristic symptoms of fungal foot disease are peeling, and often have a certain shape in a ring or plaque. Sometimes it is so insignificant that such a condition can last for months, if not years, and not even cause much discomfort. At the same time, some people try to fight against such manifestations of mycosis on their own. They used folk remedies like iodine, vinegar and brilliant green, and one time, the disease really disappeared. More precisely, it might seem, but in reality, this treatment leads to the fact that the fungus on the leg simply freezes, and then continues to multiply when a more favorable situation occurs.

Moreover, if the disease is not completely cured in the early stages but only the symptoms are removed, then very quickly spreads to the nails and slippery skin. Not to mention, other family members may develop fungal disease.

manifestation of a fungal infection on the skin of the feet

The degree of damage to foot fungus depends on many factors. If there are prerequisites such as micro trauma, various endocrine system pathologies, diabetes mellitus, if a person is on treatment with glucocorticoids or cytostatic drugs, then all of these contribute topart on the further development of the disease.

One day the period of relative stabilization ends, and the patient does not see the most compelling picture - this is not just flaking in the skin, but also bubbles, cracks in the feet, cracks. All of these are classical symptoms present at a later stage of the development of the pathology. At the same time, manifestation of toenail fungus in the first stage. Although the type of microorganisms can be examined in more detail only under a microscope, their activity is much more noticeable - this is a change in the shape and color of the nail, then the thickness. up and destroy them.

Fungus on the nail and its manifestations

The flexibility of the toenail manifests itself in different ways. It all depends on the stage of the disease and the type of fungus it causes. Usually, the nail should be smooth, pink and evenly shiny. If the nail condition is far from the ideal level described, something is going on with the body.

Nails grow in a certain proportion. When a person is under stress, the rate drops, and the nails get thinner and thinner. Then the body returns to normal, and the nail returns to its original state from the growth index point, but this weak band on the nail plate remains. And if one's life is quite anxious, then maybe there are some stripes. In addition, onychomycosis (and this is the scientific name for nail fungus) is not the only disease that leads to a change in the color of the nail or its shape. Diseases such as immunodeficiency, hormonal imbalances and other endocrine system disorders lead to exactly the same results. That is why it is necessary to conduct a case-by-case analysis.

How the fungus looks largely depends on which microorganism causes the onychomycosis. And it can be provoked by some kind. For example, if we are talking about fungal skin, the fungus looks like a nail plaque. This is a manifestation of early stage nail fungus disease. Then yellow spots can appear along the edge of the disc and even in the middle. Then, vertical stripes appear, and the nail begins to flatten.

If not, problems caused by a yeast will appear. In such cases, the nail becomes significantly thinner, has a slightly gray color, and after a while it will leave its normal position. This is largely due to impaired metabolism in injured cells. At the same time, grooves appeared on the nail folds finally confirmed the diagnosis - yeast.

Mold should be mentioned separately. Usually, it only affects the nail part, causing the nail to become opaque and discolored, which can be pale yellow, green, brown, and even black.

The characteristics of these fungi are only superficial damage and do not penetrate deep inside.

It is clear that the diagnosis can only be made by the attending physician, who will review all symptoms and perform tests. The self-treatment without going to see a doctor will lead to very unpleasant consequences.

Stages and onychomycosis

nail changes due to a fungal infection

Considering the stages of onychomycosis, many people confuse them with these types of ailments, of which there are three types. This is a normal onychomycosis, hypertrophy and atrophy.

For example, with normal onychomycosis, the color of the nail changes, streaks and spots may appear, but the thickness and shine of the nail remains normal. Many people think that this is onychomycosis, the early stage is about to develop into a more serious disease, but in fact the fungus in such cases responds well to treatment.

With hypochromia, the color of the nail changes, loses its shine, the nail thickens and deformation occurs, in some cases, even destruction along the edges. The onychomycosis is often referred to as atrophy. This is not the same toenail fungus, the first stage manifests itself with cracks and discoloration, here the treatment will be different, as the affected part of the plaque is atrophy.

Treat foot and nail fungus

The first thing to do with this disease is to see a doctor, your doctor will help you choose a drug that meets the following requirements:

  • high antifungal activity, allowing you to fight different types of infectious agents;
  • a sufficiently high concentration of the active substance both in the composition itself and in the superficial layers of the skin after application;
  • complex antifungal and antimicrobial therapy;
  • has no contraindications and side effects, including allergic reactions;
  • Easy to use.

Given these needs, it is not surprising that drug selection is so important. As a rule, in the absence of complications, drugs based on substances such as ciclopirox and naftifine are used. They are produced in the form of an ointment, less often in the form of tablets. In more severe stages of mycosis, treatment with drugs based on terbinafine and fluconazole is recommended.

Tablets should be used if topical ointments and creams are not working. Dosage of tablets should be checked with the attending physician. As a rule, all of these are quite powerful remedies, so the course of treatment is about 7-10 days, there are drugs that can be used for 3-4 weeks.

The treating doctor prescribes such therapy, taking into account what other drugs the patient will take. These medications may have the side effect of vomiting or dizziness. This is considered valid. The generic drug is lighter than the generic drug, but the effect is also small.

Intervention activities

Previously, in advanced cases, surgical removal of the affected tissue was performed. This is especially true of nails. They now use a drill just like the type used in dental offices. Even in the most advanced cases, the removal of nearly all of the nails will take about half an hour. And if the problem is only on one affected nail, it will only take about 5 minutes.

Toenail fungus is neglected

There is no need to take any additional precautions after the procedure. This procedure does not cause any pain, you can follow a normal lifestyle, morning jogging. It is important to make sure that the affected skin areas are not injured.

One nail treatment with such a preparation is not enough, all the same things will need to be repeated at least again, 3-4 weeks after the first treatment, when alittle bit. In general, you need to adjust for the fact that the process is lengthy, it can take a month, and if things have gone far enough, then several months. For example, there are cases in the first 3-4 months, a patient performs nail treatment with such an instrument every 2-3 weeks, then medication for several months.

Are folk remedies effective?

Any doctor would say that the traditional medical formulations for such an illness are ineffective and even harmful. First, not vinegar, herb or honey, although it has an antiseptic, it does not actually affect the fungus. Yes, you may have heard from friends that some of these recipes have helped get rid of itching or cracks. Well, these signs are simply not caused by fungus. Psoriasis or eczema both have similar symptoms and are definitely treated with the above folk methods.

Second, these drugs help to get rid of signs of the fungus, i. e. they obscure it for a while, and this is enough for everyone in the family to become infected.

However, the vinegar mentioned above will be effective for other purposes - it can be used to wash bedding and shoes to prevent reinfection of the fungus. The only shoes that cannot be washed and thrown away are slippers at home, as they cannot be disinfected. Vinegar can also be used to disinfect baths.